In an era where data security is of paramount importance, accounting and tax firms must adhere to regulatory mandates such as the IRS Written Information Security Plan (WISP) to ensure the protection of clients’ sensitive information. However, compliance is a collaborative effort. This article outlines a comprehensive set of recommendations for clients to actively contribute to their firm’s compliance with the IRS WISP mandate.

1. Secure Document Transmission

To kickstart the collaboration, clients are encouraged to use secure methods for transmitting sensitive documents. Employing encrypted email or utilizing a secure client portal adds an extra layer of protection, aligning with the IRS WISP mandate’s emphasis on secure information exchange.

2. Use Strong Passwords

Client accounts are the gateways to sensitive tax information. Clients should prioritize the use of strong, unique passwords and regularly update them, bolstering the overall security framework and meeting WISP compliance standards.

3. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

An additional layer of defense, 2FA, significantly enhances security. Clients should activate 2FA wherever possible, contributing to the firm’s compliance efforts and aligning with WISP requirements.

4. Educate on Phishing Awareness

Clients play a vital role in thwarting phishing attempts. By educating them about potential scams and advising caution regarding suspicious communications, the risk of unauthorized access is diminished, aligning with WISP mandates.

5. Regularly Monitor Financial Statements

Proactive monitoring of financial statements is a client’s frontline defense. By regularly reviewing statements for any irregularities and promptly reporting discrepancies, clients contribute to WISP compliance and the overall security posture.

6. Keep Software Updated

Staying current with software updates is a shared responsibility. Clients should ensure that their operating systems, antivirus software, and tax-related tools are regularly updated, addressing potential vulnerabilities as prescribed by the IRS WISP mandate.

7. Secure Physical Documents

For clients dealing with physical documents, secure storage is paramount. Encourage them to lock away tax-related paperwork and adopt secure shredding practices to align with WISP compliance standards.

8. Limit Access to Information

Access control is critical. Clients should restrict access to tax information within their organization, providing it only to those with legitimate business needs. This aligns with the IRS WISP mandate’s emphasis on limiting unauthorized access.

9. Regularly Back Up Data

Clients are advised to regularly back up digital data to prevent loss in the event of hardware failure or security incidents. This proactive measure aligns with WISP compliance standards and ensures data resilience.

10. Promptly Report Changes

Lastly, clients should promptly report any changes in contact information, business structure, or personnel with access to tax-related information. This collaboration facilitates accurate record-keeping and adherence to the IRS WISP mandate.

Collaboration between accounting firms and clients is essential for robust compliance with the IRS WISP mandate. By following these recommendations, clients actively contribute to the safeguarding of their sensitive tax information, fostering a secure environment that aligns with regulatory standards and best practices. Together, firms and clients can create a formidable defense against potential security threats.